Jun 25, 2010

Sol love, Sol hate part 2

So, I got my peppers in the ground and watered. The next day most of them were dead. I watered them, and some perked right back up. After that we had one day of cooler weather and one of hot. Out of over 150 plants I think I have twenty left. Shit.

Tomorrow I bring out the rest of my seedlings just for a few hours to try to harden them up. If not, I'm going to buy some plants that may just make it. I will have peppers.

Jun 19, 2010

Sun, I love/hate you.

It never fails that everytime I plan on finally getting my peppers in the ground it will pour down rain the day before. Well, I decided that I wasn't going to be kept from my appointed rounds today. I weeded and weeded and weeded, sweating my ass off the whole day. After a while I just said "Fuck it" and decided to shower and get a beer.

I still didn't get my peppers in the ground, but I did pull my first ripe tomato from the garden.