Jan 31, 2008

Shit on a stick

I got new glasses this last weekend, and wound up spending 3 hours at the mall. I had a hell of a story, and when I pressed "publish post" I got an error message, and then a blank screen.

So basically I wasted fifteen minutes typing about wasting three hours at the mall.

To hell with it.

At least the 70mph wind gusts we had a couple of nights ago are allowing me to replace some shingles on my roof. It's only 25 deg outside. What can go wrong?

I fully expect to be typing with one hand tomorrow.

Jan 16, 2008

Hit me days are here again

Dear hip-hop youths,
Your hand is not a belt- pull your goddamned pants up. The droopy pants thing started in prison. It was a signal to show potential "lovers" that they were open for business and wanted to get a big-ole dick shoved up their assholes. Therefore, you are telling people you are gay when you imitate them.

Either get serious about school, or go on and start your career in action packed world of auto detailing. The world doesn't owe you a living- either decide you want to learn and do better, or accept that people will look down upon you for the rest of your life, and that it is your fault, not theirs.

Turn your fucking radio down. If I wanted to listen to your radio, I'd be in your car.
You don't have the right to pollute my air. It's bad enough that you're wasting my air by breathing it, but should I have to listen to you doing it?

Hurry the fuck up when you cross the road; especially since you're in the middle of the fucking block. I realize that the wind blowing by you makes it hard for you to light your blunt, but holy shit. I mean, Colonial goddamn Williamsburg has fucking sidewalks for Christ's sake. "Halteth thine tredding, young negro boy. Thou musteth walk on the sides, not in the middle of the lane, lest thee be hit by yon hasty coach."

Stop reinforcing stereotypes if you don't like hearing about it. Life is not ALL ABOUT SHOW.
Don't let your peers (bros) pressure you out of trying to do better. If they like the gutter, let them live there. There's no reason for you to be like them.

And the reason this whole rant started- I do so hate career community college students. I know that there are many who are working into a university, but there are so many just wasting every one's time and taxpayer money.

Jan 7, 2008

If you jinx it, I'll punch you squah in the dick

Today is the first day of classes here at Udabell, and things are progressing well. We've planned well, printed early, and GODDAMN IT, WILL MY PHONE EVER STOP RINGING!?

Well, I was at the store, and someone asked if my day was going well. I told him thing were not bad, but I've had better days. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE, I'M TRYING TO TELL A STORY HERE. QUIT FUCKING CALLING ME!

Where was I? Oh yeah- had better days. Anyway, I told him I didn't want to talk about it. He said there was nothing wrong with having a good first day of classes.


Does anyone know where I can get a ring tone that is a person that yells,"Another idiot on the line for you sir!"