May 18, 2011

All good things must come to an end

I took the "Jerry Abramson Sucks" sticker off the back of my car. David Williams is now the official Redumblican candidate for governor, and I don't want to even seem like I support that fucking jackass in the least, the fucking hypocrite.
The mother fucker is against expanded gambling, but yet won $10,000 dollars on a race when he was at Churchill Downs on Derby weekend. He then collected everyone's losing tickets to go agains his winnings for tax purposes. Then, and this is mui fucked up, tipped the girl that was working his suite $20. For the entire weekend that she worked serving drinks and food to the 15 people in his suite.
I'd'a ripped that fucking bill in half and shoved it up his asshole.

I read a comment on a news story, and the guy called him "Blackjack" Williams.

May 12, 2011


We have a downs syndrome guy that comes in and works every Tuesday for a few hours. He's graduating from his work program tonight and a bunch of us are going. I try to be caring and understanding, but what can I say? It's just not me.
I like the guy, but I'm sure my urge to make jokes will take over.

Well, back to sensitivity training.

May 5, 2011

Yes, beer shit is the official smell of the PBR

beer shit The Beer Shit is a phenomenon that occurs the day after a particularly heavy drinking session. Students are particularly vulnerable.

The 'victim' awakens and spends the first few minutes in a daze, trying desperately to remember where they were last night, when they came back, who they came back with and how they managed to take their jeans off and climb into bed the wrong way round without taking their shoes off. The 'victim' then becomes aware of the irresistable urge to empty their bowels. This process is known as the 'Beer Shit'.

It is not unusual for the Beer Shit to be stubborn and to insist that the 'victim' empties their bowels at least three times during that day in order to complete the job. The amount of toilet paper required to clean up after each 'mini-Beer Shit' is substantial, as is the stench that fills the house afterwards.

However, once a particularly nasty Beer Shit has been despensed with, the 'victim' feels infinitely better immediately and is ready to commence alcoholic consumption straight away to start the process again.
Derek's drinking exploits last night lead to a particularly nasty Beer Shit emerging from his rectal passage this morning.
by Jon Fox Jan 15, 2005

May 3, 2011

Hold on there hypocrite

This morning I was running up and down the dial of the radio trying to find a station that wasn't playing gaudy country music, crappy R&B (the good days of R&B are over), or talking about Ofuckme Bin Killedhim. I was never successful long term, so I kept pressing the up button on the seeker. That's when I hit it: Creationism Radio.
How quaint. People still believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old, and that God created everything in 7 days. No 4billion year old earth, no evolution, no extinction, no errors in the bible (small b on purpose here).

Well, I have several questions for these people that can only be answered outside of the paradigm of knowledge through religion.

The Jewish people as a culture are in something like year 6100 by their calendar, and they admit they weren't the first people on the planet. There goes your young Earth argument.

Next up, please explain to me how antibiotics that worked a mere forty years ago are no longer effective against infection. This is on a microbiological scale. Just imagine how more complex organisms could adapt and change over time to become, well, human beings as we know them. Damn, you can hear their argument start to auger in.

Go find me a live dinosaur. Can't? then agree about extinction, or, for that case, just stop using gasoline. It's bad enough you guys are sucking on my oxygen. Holy shit- it's like I'm the Red Barron.

And finally, humans are fallible, and languages don't translate word for word, so we started from an oral tradition, where we know that exaggerations never happen (As a fisherman, I know for a fact that I have never embellished a story), to a written one, albeit in an ancient language. After that we had translation after translation, until we got what we have now. Whatever you do, don't quote the King James version, which was translated specifically under the direction of and for the fancies of a British monarch.

I tell you what: turn in your voter registration, stop driving, and perhaps hold your breath a bit longer than doctors recommend.