Mar 29, 2011

Oh, 'Doba, why do you do this to me?

Tuesday is double points day at Q doba, and every Tuesday I eat until I have to move my belt out a notch. I do this knowing full well that I will experience a burrito-induced coma.
Well, I kind of mixed it up today by ordering off the craft-two menu. Mexican gumbo and two tacos. Oh, holy shit that stuff was good. It was "Shit I wish I had two stomachs" good.
I believe I have a new Tuesday regular lunch get. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find my pillow...

Mar 18, 2011

OOH! Maybe I'll go out tonight

Fireplug was over last night, and so was Camper Dan. Since nothing is set for tonight, I might go see the Fauxgues at the Nachbar. Yes, a Pogues tribute band. Nothing bad could ever happen from this...

Mar 17, 2011

Now I have to carve another sign

Seeing as Sept 19th is talk like a pirate day, I've decided to carve a new sign to hang at the Busted Rudder for one day a year only. On that day the Rudder will come down and be replaced by the beak of a parrot. The bar for the Pot Belly Republic will be known as the "Parrot's Pecker."

Damn...I should make some of those out of painted plywood. I bet I could sell million of those things. Well, maybe two.

Mar 15, 2011

A pox on the people that passed the strip club ordinance

I've been in the mood to look at some titties. I don't want to own them, I just want to rent them.

Mar 3, 2011

Yo, ho, blow the man down

My co-workers are out, so I'm fartin' all up in this bitch!

Mar 1, 2011

Is it wrong to mess with the retarded guy?

We have a mentally handicap guy come in every Tuesday and work a bit(yes, there are many jokes to be made here at my or my co-workers' expenses).
Anywho, like many handicap people, he has his own particular way things should be, and be done. One of his hang-ups is that he hates it when doors are left open. I feel obligated to fuck with him a little bit over this and purposefully leave doors open in his presence just to watch him stop what he's doing and say (what I think he's saying), "You should shut the door. The doors need to be closed" at which point he will walk to wherever the door is and shut it.
I'm not trying to make fun of him, as he's a good fella and clean better than any of the yahoos that work here. It's just that I'm a button pusher.
