Sep 29, 2009

Maybe it's a good sign

We haven't had an official meeting of the Pot Belly Republic since July. It's finally cool enough here to warrant one, but the weather hasn't been cooperating, so I'm looking at not burning in September this year. The winds were too high yesterday and don't seem to be abating yet, so I'm not risking flying embers.

Friday, Oct 2 looks like a good candidate, and we should have enough citizens for a quorum.
New laws like, "Must bring something fried," and "Don't ask, just bring beer."

there will, however, be no rule six.

Sep 28, 2009

Bottom rail on top now massuh.

T-bone and I bowled two games on our lunch hour today. I bowled a 129, and then couldn't close a frame until the tenth on the second game. 93...ouch.
Someones hexed my ball.

However, I did gutter two balls on different attempts to pick up the spare 7 pin where the ball went into the gutter and bounced out knocking the pin down. Not legal in real league play, but fine for lunch league.

Sep 27, 2009

We just said fuck it.

I came over to Cousin Luke's house and told him we were going bowling. He said that he had to do some electrical work at his place of employment. So, we did a bit of that and then we went bowling.
I tell you, I'm starting to really enjoy bowling with him on Sundays. I took him two for three again with my first game coming out as a 209. Of course, my next game was a 114, but there may have been alcohol involved. The third game was a 137, which wasn't too shabby considering my league average was 113.
Maybe I should only bowl on Sunday afternoons.
Maybe I should make sure Luke is good and liverously lubed up before we start. Perhaps a medium.
I'm looking forward to our Sunday one-team league we're getting started up with my cousins.

I don't need Rob Zombie to have fun. Just to drive fast.

Sep 22, 2009

Lord, don't do this to me

I stepped into the barbershop today while on lunch break, and the barber, who was finishing his cigarette stuck his head in the door and said, "there's some commotion at your store. you might want to get over there."
Sweet baby cakes! A tussle with someone trying to steal. I'm in!
I ran out the door and when I get to the door of the store, one of the employees was trying to pull this 50 plus year old woman back into the store. I grabbed her arm, but then realized that I could get the ever-loving shit sued out of me, so I let go and just started walking next to her as she made her slow escape. As we strolled, she kept talking about how the man in the store broke her finger and that she was going to press charges. I retorted loudly with, "What did you do? Why have the police been called?"
Naturally she kept saying that she "didn't do nuffin."
People out and about were starting to stare, so I figured I could coax it gently out of her by yelling, "What did you do? Why have the police been called?"
This kind exchange took place repeatedly as we ambled about a block down the street.
The employee at the door caught up with us and motioned the campus 5-0s to come out way. When they got there and started asking her questions, I gently strolled back to the barber shop.
I got my blood up for a fight, but just wound up escorting some old lady to a cop car. Damn the luck.
At least it's never boring.

Sep 18, 2009

Sep 17, 2009

'tis a new day

I was listening to the radio this morning on the way in to work and I realized something. I need to get out of town and do something different.
I want to road trip.
Now, people have been telling me where to go for years, but I'm not sure where I want to go. Somewhere I've never been, something I've never done.
I'm sure the police will let you know what that was.

Sep 13, 2009

Shut the fuck up, Donnie

Cousin Luke and I returned from bowling, and I figured I'd say something about it as soon as I climbed out of his refrigerator.

I was cutting grass earlier today and decided to stop after cutting the front yard. I don't care what the back yard looks like. If the neighbors do, then they can drag their retired asses and lawn mowers to my yard during the work week while I'm, uh, working.

Any who, I was stacking firewood with a bunch of shit on my mind when I decided, "fuck it. I'm calling Luke, and we're bowling."

We agreed on a time, and bam! Bring on the corruption. Did you know they sell beer at bowling alleys? Well, three games, several more beers than that and one hour later, we were done humiliating ourselves on the hardwood.

I started out with a gutter ball, and got worse from there. I did manage to stay on my feet and not drop the ball, so apparently therapy works.

The hard part is that I took Luke two out of three games. Hard for him at least.

It was heaven. No one yelling, no one bitching, and the pins were still telling me to fuck off. It's like I never left.

Turns out they still sell beer. When that ends, we gots trouble.

Sep 11, 2009

I hit you once, I'll do it again

I was in a fender-bender a couple of days ago down by the other location of work. A car was stopped asking directions, and then got moving. The person in front of me made a good first effort at going, and then second guessed herself into me tagging the corner of her car with the corner of mine. Apparently she wasn't given the notification that I own the road.
I got out to ask her if she was alright. She immediately told me that she was in an accident last year and had back problems.
Fuck. Shit. Dammit. Here come the lawyers.
She then asked me to call the cops while she called her doctor and her lawyer.
Shit. Fuck-fuck-fuck.
It turns out that the lawyer was from the old accident, and she just wanted to find out if a new claim was filed if it would mess the lawsuit. Of course she told me this after I said, "Let me know what your lawyer says so that I can get one. I won't be cowed."

It turns out that both of us have the same insurance company, and that I'll probably pay out of pocket less than my deductable.
I'll take that.