Sep 11, 2009

I hit you once, I'll do it again

I was in a fender-bender a couple of days ago down by the other location of work. A car was stopped asking directions, and then got moving. The person in front of me made a good first effort at going, and then second guessed herself into me tagging the corner of her car with the corner of mine. Apparently she wasn't given the notification that I own the road.
I got out to ask her if she was alright. She immediately told me that she was in an accident last year and had back problems.
Fuck. Shit. Dammit. Here come the lawyers.
She then asked me to call the cops while she called her doctor and her lawyer.
Shit. Fuck-fuck-fuck.
It turns out that the lawyer was from the old accident, and she just wanted to find out if a new claim was filed if it would mess the lawsuit. Of course she told me this after I said, "Let me know what your lawyer says so that I can get one. I won't be cowed."

It turns out that both of us have the same insurance company, and that I'll probably pay out of pocket less than my deductable.
I'll take that.


Ted said...

Well I'm glad everyone's all right.

Except the dumb bitch who hit you; obviously you donkey-punched the ho' into next week's ICU.

I wonder if there's a website for that?


I hit her. The stupid bitch really stepped on the gas and then totally stopped in front of me.

Death to Smoochy.