Nov 24, 2008

Is someone drinking without me?

cousin Luke and I stayed over this past Saturday at the cabin, and sweet bucket of shit it was cold.
The weights I put on my catfish line broke the ice on the lake when they hit allowing me to catch the bottom of the lake

I did get the burn barrel glowing red hot before I went down to the dock as I was a bit drinky and the water was freezing. Well, frozen actually. Just in case.

The best thing about the day was smelling the ham hocks, green beans and potatoes cook all day on the woodstove!

Nov 17, 2008

It's here. I knew it was coming, but it's finally here.



Cold winds.

Cold winds blowing up my pant leg.

Remember to wear thicker undies.

Toboggans at the ready.

One in the car, one at the office and several at home just to be sure.

No leaves on the trees.

Three days of cloudy skies.

Getting darker earlier.

I don't like being relegated to inside activities. At least I have a wood shop. And a wood stove.

And beer.

And more after that.

I know that our summers aren't like the south's, and our winters aren't like the north's, but you can have this cold weather crap.
Yes! It's 104 degrees again!

Nov 12, 2008

Fire don't care about how tough you think you are

No hospital run, but I do have the pattern of the handle of the grate that goes over the opening of the stove burned into my fingertips.

Mental note:

If the water on the top of the stove is boiling, the handle is most likely going to be hotter than a mo fo.

Maybe not. I'm sure as I am a scientist that this will need further testing.

Warning: Hot parts of this stove will make you screem like a little bitch.

Ah, Linda Cardellini...

Nov 10, 2008

I love Jesus, but not his birthday

You could see it coming. With the recession ramping up, you knew the stores were going to start beating the Christmas Season Horse. There was Christmas stuff in the store before there was Halloween candy.
The jim-dandy moment was today as I was on campus. There I was too-doo-doo-doodling along the sidewalk and I heard blaring from the speakers atop the clock tower that normally sound off as fake bells ringing out a bell tower muzak version of Little town of Bethlehem.

Wha-wha-wha? Did I Rip Van Winkle away a month here? Fucking shit, people- just because it got down to 38 deg last night doesn't mean that Christmas is next week, or the week after, or the week after that. I'm sure this is the only time that someone had the urge to shoot at a clock tower instead of from one.
And then I got to thinking(uh-oh): why only Christmas music? That's rather discriminatory, isn't it? How about "Monster Mash" at Halloween, or "My country tis of thee" for Thanksgiving,or Irish music in march, which would lead to Oompah music in October, and then Lee Greenwood around the 4th of July. Hold on, that would be grounds to shoot at the clock tower.

What I'm getting at is that maybe I'm getting old and crotchety, but sweet shit in a bucket- give me a break. I just got done listening to the names McCain and Obama for two years. Don't make me have to think of Christmas for two months straight. Besides, Easter is the big one. Anyone can be born. It's the raising from the dead portion that's important.

Nov 7, 2008

Best keep your damn eyes open

How much have you heard about Bush since the election? You know what kind of shit he pulled when we were paying attention, so what do you suppose big brother's up to now that mindfulness has transferred to Obama?

It's bad enough that he's going to pardon Rove, Cheney and himself at the end of his presidency, but what is he up to now?

In other news:

I was trying to cross Broadway the other day with the walk sign and completely legal when an SUV started to turn the corner quickly and then slowed down. The driver had the "fuck you immensely" look on her face and continued to turn. The thing was arm's length away, so I hauled back and punched the fucking truck and put a nice sized dent in the thing.

I'm glad she kept driving, because I was so pissed off that If she stopped and got out, it wasn't going to stop until the police got there.

This one's for you, T:

Nov 4, 2008

Well, you knew it was coming

After voting to keep Palin out of office this morning I saw what I knew was coming.

If I could've stopped laughing I was going to get Aunt Jemima and Flavor Flav's autographs.

In the last eighteen years of my voting past I could count on two hands how many black people I've seen at my voting location. One of them was in the line to vote Republican, so you knew that he was dropped on his head as a kid.

This morning there were two black people and about ten ghetto-ites coming in to vote. One of them even had on his dress Yankees hat and was, as always, smoking a black and mild.

I don't think that the old people at the voting place were ready for the level of laughter I let out.

You laugh at clowns, don't you?