Nov 10, 2008

I love Jesus, but not his birthday

You could see it coming. With the recession ramping up, you knew the stores were going to start beating the Christmas Season Horse. There was Christmas stuff in the store before there was Halloween candy.
The jim-dandy moment was today as I was on campus. There I was too-doo-doo-doodling along the sidewalk and I heard blaring from the speakers atop the clock tower that normally sound off as fake bells ringing out a bell tower muzak version of Little town of Bethlehem.

Wha-wha-wha? Did I Rip Van Winkle away a month here? Fucking shit, people- just because it got down to 38 deg last night doesn't mean that Christmas is next week, or the week after, or the week after that. I'm sure this is the only time that someone had the urge to shoot at a clock tower instead of from one.
And then I got to thinking(uh-oh): why only Christmas music? That's rather discriminatory, isn't it? How about "Monster Mash" at Halloween, or "My country tis of thee" for Thanksgiving,or Irish music in march, which would lead to Oompah music in October, and then Lee Greenwood around the 4th of July. Hold on, that would be grounds to shoot at the clock tower.

What I'm getting at is that maybe I'm getting old and crotchety, but sweet shit in a bucket- give me a break. I just got done listening to the names McCain and Obama for two years. Don't make me have to think of Christmas for two months straight. Besides, Easter is the big one. Anyone can be born. It's the raising from the dead portion that's important.


Real cab driver said...

Christmas isn't about Jesus, it's about Santa Claus. At least in the US it is.

I used to say bah humbug too. All my friends had familys to go home to, so I was alone, and it was cold and nasty.

But I've never lost my love of Miracle on 34th Street. It ain't getting presents, it's seeing someone smile when they open the one you gave them that warms your heart the most.

Anonymous said...

yeah andy, it can't be you getting old and crotchty just yet, for the simple fact that I'm 18 and have the same distaste for the hodliay marketing and the ovreall holiday in general. I'm all for the religous part and gift giving to frineds, but marketing and over-glorification of lights, cleaning, and overall decorations really PISSES ME OFF!