Nov 7, 2008

Best keep your damn eyes open

How much have you heard about Bush since the election? You know what kind of shit he pulled when we were paying attention, so what do you suppose big brother's up to now that mindfulness has transferred to Obama?

It's bad enough that he's going to pardon Rove, Cheney and himself at the end of his presidency, but what is he up to now?

In other news:

I was trying to cross Broadway the other day with the walk sign and completely legal when an SUV started to turn the corner quickly and then slowed down. The driver had the "fuck you immensely" look on her face and continued to turn. The thing was arm's length away, so I hauled back and punched the fucking truck and put a nice sized dent in the thing.

I'm glad she kept driving, because I was so pissed off that If she stopped and got out, it wasn't going to stop until the police got there.

This one's for you, T:

1 comment:

Ted said...
