Dec 14, 2007

Why does it take so long to get bored?

It's been getting busier at work, and cold out when I get home, so there's not a lot going on. Luckily I have been able to get out of work at a reasonable time, but when I get home I am relegated to small tasks in the shop, as my brother Darrell has pretty well taken the thing over finishing some bed rails for his kids.
Don't get me started.

We had a fire last night, and it was 39deg outside, and 70 on the porch. Gotta love it. Except for the part where I tried to pick up a red hot coal that had popped out with my hand. "If I pick it up REAL FAST..."
It don't work like that.

If it weren't for beer, I'd have to do stupid stuff and have nothing to blame it on.


Yankee John said...

so Charlie O. tries to cut the LIVE flexible conduit with his brand new $120 pair of dikes...

and he says "if I cut it REAL FAST"

yeah I sez, 186,000 fps (per second) fast.

God, I miss that boy. He makes my stupid look tame.

Yankee John said...

oops. I meant miles per second, not feet. Either way, ol' CO twern't that speedy and woke up halway across the room with a big hole in his formerly new $120 pair of dikes.

Then there's the time he tried to castrate himself with a circular saw...

Ted said...

That's some impressive stupid.

3x10^8 m/s isn't just a good idea; it's the law.


Was that fast? I thought that was fast.

Ted said...

She'll make point-five past light, kid.