Dec 14, 2009

It's your life dude, you decide

I almost sent a bicyclist to one of Ted's local contemporaries today.

You see, we have bicycle lanes on our one-way streets here in the Ville, and it's great. Them bastards can have their lane, and I can have mine. Well, one rider apparently got "left foot on red" while playing traffic twister today and came out of the bike lane and started riding in the car lane. This I could not abide and started riding his ass. It was at this time that Mr. "I have a force field around my bike" flipped me off. WRONG MOVE!

I got around him and rode (mostly) in the lane next to him, easing him over ever so gently at 20mph. I kept getting the bird, and he kept getting pushed back into the bike lane.

I stopped at the next intersection for the red light. He flipped me off again and busted the light.

They wonder why there's no love for them.

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