Jan 8, 2010

I think you're missing the mark here, fellah

I was watching a show on the History Channel last night (don't worry John- I still put in a twelve hour day) called 2010. This show started with the condition of our planet now, and extrapolated from there the condition of the planet in five year increments based upon calculations of population growth, deforestation, political climate, etc.

It was neat and all, and I liked how they made it more personal (intended) by focusing on one imaginary individual and how she would be forced to live as the planet changed. About my third beer into the show it struck me that the History Channel is now apparently the future channel. Either that, or someone flipped the wrong switch and sent the National Geographic channel feed to the history channel, a flop I'm sure flummoxed the NGC viewers who, I'm very sure, were wondering why Hitler or Nostradamus had appeared on their screens when they were expecting an exciting tale of how Gnus are milked in the Andes.

Stick to your purpose, History Channel! 15 years from now you can tell us how we fucked the planet. Thus the word "history." It's right there in your title. Besides, I'm watching you on a TV that is powered by electricity coming from a coal-burning generator plant. So if it weren't for me adding to my carbon footprint, I wouldn't know that I had a carbon foot print. Quite the conundrum, isn't it?


Ted said...

What is the sound of one cheek farting?


Same as the tree being felled in the woods.