Feb 7, 2010

They gave it to them.

I honestly, honestly am tired of New Orleans. That fucking sewer has done nothing but take from this country for the last five years, and now I'm told that I should want them to win the super bowl because of Katrina?
Fuck you, New Orleans and the tear truck you rode in on. Fuck you too Indianapolis- never ask a Hoosier to do a man's job.
I realize my Steelers couldn't beat the school for the blind this year, but I think I'm finally over the super bowl being a big deal. From now on unless Pittsburgh or Notre Dame is playing in the Superbowl, I'm in it for the commercials (which pretty well sucked this year).
I have an idea. Go live somewhere that's above sea level


Ted said...

You've got it wrong, Andy. This year's superbowl is the ultimate fan victory.

It really has very little to do with Katrina. Yes, that sucked. Yes, New Orleans has been trying (and mostly failing) to rebuild for five years (a project that I initially estimated at 10+ years, so the lack of progress is less than surprising).

It's about faith, and believing, and supporting your team, no matter what. Yes, fans wore bags on their heads in the 70's and 80's, but they still went to the games. And it's those fans who are getting the most out of this victory. Two of them told me their stories last night, of watching that first amazing play (a kickoff return for a touchdown) waaay back in '68, and the 40 years of failure that followed it. These guys were practically in tears.

It's a victory about hope. We have a new mayor, who so far hasn't shown any signs of clinically-diagnosable insanity. We have a winning football team. Who knows, maybe we can get this city out of the gutter.

Who Dat!


Tell ya what- I'll concede the superbowl to the football equivalent of the Chicago white sox if I don't have to read or hear "Who Dat" ever again.