Apr 28, 2010

Alright, Teddy Boy's got me wondering

What are your favorite Non-restaurant junk foods? I say non-restaurant because all I'd have to say is "anything from the Granville" and it would qualify. However, if you make it at home, it's fair game.
We all know I dig on the funions. Jalapeno Cheetos rank up there too. I also like to heat salsa, refried beans, mix in a ton of cheese and eat a whole bag of corn chips with this dip.
While I don't count dicks and kraut as strictly junk food, it's also not totally healthy, so you'll have to vote on that.

1 comment:

Ted said...

Gotta love the Jalapeno Cheez-its. They're like capsaicin-flavored crack.

More locally, Elmer's Chee-Wees are awesome, particularly the Green Onion flavor.