Sep 11, 2010

Wow, three Saturdays in a row!

I woke up this morning and got out of be at 8:30. "What to do today?" I asked myself.
The answer was, "Make a bier holder for the back porch followed by taking measurments for the downstairs bathroom."
After doing that I decided to start cleaning the living room. While doing that I found the "Man with No Name" series of Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns. I'm currently on "For a Few Dollars More." So much for cleaning the living room.
Next up: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Ennio Marconni's masterful soundtrack to that movie is unrivaled with its ability to evoke the exact feeling of each scene.

Truthfully, the best part about these movies is the fact that you can take a nap in the middle and really not miss that much. Now, if I woke up, looked at the T.V. and saw someone driving a 57 VW bug in the desert, then I'd rewind and take a second look (as well as wonder how the Man With No Name got ahold of Herby).

Well, writing is taking me away from both the movie and my nap.


Ted said...

poor stressed out Andy. Go watch the next-door coeds for a while.


Who said I haven't been?

Ted said...

clearly you haven't been. That's why you're stressed out.