Dec 20, 2010

The introduction of the monthly FUCK YOU list

I listen to the news during the day, and there are some groups that need a big middle finger shoved in their faces, so the inaugural FUCK YOU goes to the following groups:

Retarded militant muslims (not capitalized on purpose)
Stupid mid-easterners trying to eradicate Israel
Stupid Israelis making settlements in land that ain't theirs
Mitch McConnell and the party of no
Somali pirates. We should be able to hang them publicly again.
Tea Party idiots that still follow Gov. Mooseburger
Liberal idiots that live in la-la land and don't understand how things work
Anyone who votes based upon religion. Abortion ain't going away, and most of elected officials cheat and lie. Quit kidding yourselves.

This list ain't done.


Ted said...

I think you forgot "people from Ohio"


I would have to put that in every month.
I did, however, errantly omit North Korea. I heard an interresting argument that NK wants to start a war so that they can get the hell knocked out of them and then get rebuilt on someone else's dime.