Apr 23, 2012

Fuck you, split pins, I'll do it myself

Me and Cousin Luke bowled twice this weekend, and it seems I saved the best for last. Saturday I won the pin count by only two pins and apparently subconsiously I was not to have any of that. I finished off the eight and ninth frames with strikes. Luke said, "O.K., asshole, make it five in a row." Tenth frame comes up, Strike. Woohoo, got a turkey. "Neat," I thought. Next ball, Strike. "Wow," I thought, "four in a row." Last ball comes up, Strike. "HOLY SHIT!" It was close there for a while, Luke.


Ted said...

Knock down all your pins, son. Children in Canada are curling.

Richard Noggin said...

Today we bowl again. It should be noted that this occurred on Lane 19--the wildest of wild cards.