Aug 13, 2007

A fart away from a good time

It's the busy time of year for us in the coursepack business. I took a phonecall in the car on the way to work, one in the parking lot before opening the door, two before I could finish my banana and cup of decaf, but the best one was in the head.
I had to drop the kids off at the pool, and I had my phone in my hand, knowing that as sure as God made little green apples, someone would call. Well, I was right and the timing couldn't have been better.
I had just sat down when I heard my phone ring, and as I answered it, BABLOPBLOPBLOP THHHPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! I had completely emtied the ravioli, sauerkraut and porkchops, 1/4 bag of peanuts, and 7 beers in less than a second, followed by a three second tuba salute.
Dr. Schmenkman: "Is everything ok?"
me: "It is now."
D.S-"Is this a bad time?"
"nope. You have my full attention. How can I help you?"
"Are you sure this is a good time? I hear an echo."
"Well, I'm in a smaller room than usual when I answer the phone."


Ted said...

did you make the sale?


Oh heck yeah. I told him that I had a pen and plenty of paper to write on! Monday was super monday. I started with 104 packs, and ended with 120. After looking at a map of campus and using the scale gauge, I figured I walked about 8 1/2 miles at a very brisk pace, and that was just on uofl's campus.