Feb 4, 2008

Why do turds suddenly appear...when you're near?

I replaced the shingles that Dorothied off in the last windstorm this past Saturday, and my cousin Luke came over to prove two things: a) that I can do really stupid things even while supervised, and b) that he can climb a ladder with two beers in one hand.

For all of you who aren't as adept at using tools, or who, on occasion have taken an attempt at destroying my kneecap with a sledge hammer, and may say, "beer? didn't you write that you were on a roof?" Let me say this- it was Saturday, is was after 1pm, and it was only the second beer of the day. Besides, all I was going to do was kneel at the corner of my shed dormer, manuever shingles with one hand, hammer with the other hand and balance with my third hand. How hard could that be?

Thankfully there were no injuries on the roof. They came later while I was splitting wood in the basement and freed a nest of roaches. I was 48-1 battling those little brown bastards.
Helpful hint: When one climbs on your shoe to evade the two-pound hammer that has turned his homelife into a haulocaust, don't go after him- it hurts. A lot.

In other news:
The Pats lost yesterday, and I scored all the leftovers from the party. Baked beans with sausage and peppers, smoked barbeque pork, homemade mac Y cheese, and slaw. And I drank free beer all day. I made out pretty well.

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