Feb 9, 2009

Where'd the cartilage go?

Cousin Luke and I cut wood and drug brush most of the weekend since we had good weather and they're starting to pick up ice damaged limbs today.

I woke up this morning and didn't want to move. Well, I wanted to move but couldn't muster the gumption through the pain.

After about twenty-five minutes in the shower my back started to feel better, and my knees stopped hurting. However, I have so many bruises that I thought I had broken a law in Singapore. That, and my arms are scratched up to where it looks like I tried to put a cat in a toilet (if you haven't tried that, hold a cat over the toilet and flush the crapper- make sure you're insured first).

Well, it wasn't all bad. CL and I drove to the U-boat to check for damage and found none. Beer was cold, and the water was up, so we got the worms out of the fridge and wetted a line. We said hi to the Yooj's lures and soaked up some sun.

My brother Darrel called last night and asked what the chance of feugo was at the PBR.

I told him none, and that I wasn't getting out of the chair for about an hour.

All-in-all not a bad day.


Ted said...

I did a little research on Google and it turns out that you HAVE broken some laws in Singapore...If you know what I mean and I think you do.


the sheep said it was baa-teen.
I thought that was totally legal.

Ted said...

So that's what "cut wood and drug bush" means. I was wondering.

Yankee John said...

Cooler than little monkey's dressed as clowns sword fighting? I think not.


No rule 6.

Ted said...

John, I think they're dressed as Victorian Gentlemen...Oh, I get your point.