Aug 9, 2010

Hold it, hold it, hold it. What the hell is that shit?

I had an exchange with one of my new neighbors last night as I was taking out my recycle bins that had, shall we say, quite a liberal quantity of beer cans residing in them. It went like this:
"That's a lot of beercans."
"Oh, there're some bottles in there too."
"Taint all mine. I had some help with these."

This morning as I was leaving, I noticed that someone had come through the neighborhood and removed all the aluminum from people's bins, but left everything else. All I had left in two bins were five beer boxes and twelve bottles.
I thought, "Man, if you're going to take the cans, take all the other evidence too!"

I don't think she meant anything by her comment, but I hope this isn't leading to an argument, unless that leads to make-up sex.

1 comment:

Ted said...

perhaps the young lady is angling for an invitation?