Feb 21, 2008

Let my winter go

This February has reminded me of one thing: to hell with winter. Cold and windy does not Andy a happy camper make.
Yeah, yeah, I don't live in Minnisota or New York, so we don't have "real" winters, but I'm not interrested in getting my exercise from shoveling snow.
This last Sunday it got up to 62deg. I put on my kilt and chopped wood outside.

I realize that March is going to be chilly and rainy, but take this cold shit away.

In other news, I watched "History of the Joke" the other night, and it was funny as hell. It also reinforced my decision to not go into that line of work.
Why was Hellen Keller such a bad driver?
Because she was a woman.

That's precious.


Ted said...

Winter, yeah...We had that last month. Got down below 60 for almost a whole week. It was awful. I had to get out my windbreaker, I mean heavy coat.


Yeah, well, we don't have the mosquitos you have, so it's a trade-off.