Apr 13, 2009

If you make it a two-fer, yer gonna get hurt.

It's drizzling out currently, and on my way into work, there was an accident that was holding up traffic. The usual go-ten-feet-and-stop routine, which lead to actuall continual driving at a slower speed that increased over time, but the cars are still pretty close together.
We got up to a pretty good clip when right in front of me, a green Honda Accord cuts me off, apparently after cutting off the 18 wheeler loaded with tree trunks next to me.
The son of a bitch then immediately puts on his brakes so he doesn't hit the car in front of him.
At this point our vehicles are about three feet apart at 45 mph.

I had my mind made up that if we had hit, I was just going to keep on going and push his ass into the middle lane where all the big trucks were.


Richard Noggin said...

Almost got me 2 Spodestrians today. 3 of them sauntering towards attempting to cross the street. One realized that he had overcommited and ran across. The other 2 kept pushing each other into the line of fire to prove their ability to posture while keeping their hoodies down over their eyes and their britches held up to the top of their johnson's.
Buicks accelerate fast. I think prison pants got pissed on!!!!

Ted said...

Still waiting for the grill-mounted machine guns for my Corolla...


I've thought about tieing broom handles off the sides of my bumpers.