Oct 15, 2007

One war wasn't enough

As I have been listening to the radio news these last few days, one thing has occurred to me: Vladamir Putin is railing against the United States purely in order to maintain power.
Going to Iran? Then who- Libya? All he's doing is trying to stay relevant in the world, and by achieving that, he can tell all the people at home that he is strong against the U.S., and that everyone who hates America should love him for it. Well, at least the ones that he hasn't had put in prison for defying him.
He's starting another cold war solely for the purpose of retaining power. This is going to get worse than Venezuela.
For anyone keeping score out there, I'm not blaming this one entirely on Georgie Jr.

I was going to call and discuss this, but I don't like you enough to be on the phone that long.


Yankee John said...

there's some real truth to this. stop it and tell me more about your liver.


Oh, my liver could beat the shit out of Putin any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

My liver can round house kick Chuck Norris.