Oct 1, 2007

This may be painful

For the two people out there that vaguely acknowledge my presence, I apologize for not writing the story of "how Andy gets bruises and makes people laugh" sooner, but it got busy last week at work, and I don't have the I-net at home.
Not because I'm a Luddite or anything, it's just that since my brother Darryl got married and moved out, I didn't need a general number and a cell phone number. I canceled my land line and my Juno account, and Viola! an extra $50 a month in my pocket. That's 75 beers to you and me. Well, mostly me.

Back to our regularly scheduled story.

You know something? I'm going to take William Buckland's advice and do a book on pigeons.


Anonymous said...

Pigeons just shit. That's all you need to know.

Yankee John said...

he of the flowing gowns?


I'm going to do a little rock-breaking.