Oct 31, 2007

Quarters, Quarters everywhere, drop the Jew in the Sink

I was thinking the other day, and as we all know, that's where the trouble starts.
Why is it that people don't know how to drive? I don't mean people can't put their hands at the ten and two position, or that they can move the little twiggy thingy sticking out of the left side of the steering column and actually inform me of the intent to turn at some point in the future.
I'm talking the subtle things like "get the fuck left if you plan on turning left," or "you can tell which lane is mine, because the green opaque thing outside your window is my car," or "we can play pedestrian-bumper-lawyer."
Are people just not looking? I was behind a guy in a minivan who was on and off his cellphone, repeatedly looking at the readout in order find the next person he was going to pester. He was going slow and swerving, but when he realized I was climbing his ass, he started going slower, and swerving more so that I couldn't get by completely. I was able to get my right quarter up on his left, and I slowly started going to the right. In order to not get rubbed, he started easing right, and when I had a bit more room to where I wouldn't lose my side mirrors, I shot between him and the cars parked to my left. I immediately got in front of him, and he started yelling(with the phone still up to his ear) and tried to climb my ass. I flipped him off as I ran the orange light, and he sat at the red. It was almost as cool as the time I passed a lady on an off ramp.
I love me.

In other news: My brother Darrel and I fixed the blast door, so it's nice and cozy on the porch.


Ted said...

Ahh, simple pleasures. There's something deeply, viscerally satisfying about outdriving someone else. I think it has to do with pack dominance mentality--"You're behind me which means I'm better than you". Or maybe not showing up to work late is a good thing.

Yankee John said...

hear that? it's your adoring fans clamoring for a new post. How long will you continue to dash their hopes, sir? How long???

Their blood is on your hands.