Jun 20, 2009

It's Sunny! and hot as shit!

Well, summer fucking arrived yesterday with 92 degrees and 60% humidity. Heat index of 102!

Today, not much better, but I HAD to get into the garden.

Now, I don't like cold and winter, but seriously- do we need to go from 70 deg and rainy to sunny and a hundred?

I realize that I don't live in the hottest place in summer or the coldest in winter, but is it too much to ask for a little fall and spring thrown into the mix?

In better news-

I picked a whole bag of green beans, and one cucumber. One dumb fucking cucumber is growing in the chicken wire fence with two halves bulging aroung the wire. I think I'm going to cut it off tomorrow and eat it while I'm working in the garden tieing up tomato plants.

I don't want to wish my life away, but I'm itching to go to Texas and maybe get a big-ole steak.


Ted said...

Mongo like steak.


Candy gram for mongo!

Ted said...

Mongo straight!