Jul 13, 2009

That shit's like Africa Hot

I returned yesterday from my swarre into the heart of Texas, and I can tell you that I do like the place.

We ate breakfast tacos, lunch tacos and dinner tacos! You can serve anything in a tortia wrap as long as you have the right spices.

We went tubing on the Comal river, and climbed enchanted rock. It's been a long time since I've had that much fun, but then again, a lot of it has to do with the company you keep.

It started out interestingly enough with the check-in at the airport, blah, blah, blah. Then on the leg from Memphis to S.A. the attendant announced Pilot so-and-so, and the first officer, and I'm not making this shit up, Renko Snorin. I'm not to sure about the spelling. Perhaps it's Norwegian for "laugh at me."

Thanks to one of my goodestest friends, Miss Fo-Faney for allowing me to foul her couch for several days and for being the best tour guide ever.


Yankee John said...

oh. you said couch.


your mouth's talkin'. you might want to see to that.