Aug 6, 2009

Closed until further notice

Seeing as they are still pumping water out of many of the buildings on campus, most places where you find professors are closed.
It's kinda hard to do my job, but it's also relatively quiet on campus which is eerily odd for this time of year. It's like a Life After People episode on the History channel.

At Kaiser Kastle the box fans in the basement have pretty well dried up the floor, so I should be fine.
I didn't lose any appliances, unlike cousin Luke.

Busy, gotta go.


Richard Noggin said...

Mother fucking shit cocksucker MSD assholes and fucking power company lazy zipless fucks who can't even change a fucking light bulb killing my pumping system sons of bitches anyhow!
Go ahead. Raise my rates one more time you bastards. (I already know you're going to)


Ted said...

Did it rain up there?