Aug 10, 2009

I need new friends

I was helping cousin Luke yank a refrigerator out of his basement yesterday, and we came to the conclusion that I need to branch out and make new friends.
Everytime Yankee has come to town, something terrible has happened.
1) Brother darrel got married (I know he came to town for the wedding, but the thread still holds).
2) He was in town, but left to escape the hurricane and the ensuing tree damage.
3) He was in town and brought and ice storm with him and the ensuing almost total power outages and tree damage
4) He was in town and we got almost seven inches of rain in 75 minutes, which brought the nice flash floods and power outages, which is why I was helping Luke in his basement.

Do you know what usually calms me down when shit like this happens? A nice trip to the cabin to go fishing, which I can't do anymore because of that mother-fucking-cockass-goathumping-elephant sperm gargling-dickhead Thomas bringing his lightening striking bad luck to Boston, Ky.

I'm glad these two don't travel in the same circle, as I would put it 5to1 that we would be hit by locusts.


Ted said...

Anytime you want to get away from the destructive weather, come on down to N'awlins!

Richard Noggin said...

Last year, when I was there as I took my son on his HS Grad trip I should have called you.
You would have been welcome as we had dinner at NOLA, lunch at Acme, or dessert at Antoine's. Even better, Bingets at a bench at St. Louis from Cafe Du Monde.

Ted said...

As I remember, you shot me an email. Unfortunately, I was on duty that weekend (or something). Perhaps next time.


I bought some new water wings just for that purpose Ted.

Ted said...

You still alive, A?