Oct 4, 2009

Sigh. We knew this day would come.

Cousin Luke handed me my ass today bowling. He took the first two games, each by twenty to thirty pins, this despite the fact that his ball and the head pin are at odds and don't like to meet. I did get the third game, but that was just a bonus as he had the day wrapped up.
In the series stands at me being two to one over the last three Sundays.
I'm really liking this Sunday league we have. I wish the rest of you jackasses could join us some time.
The reason he took me today is that we are both getting back to our usual averages, in which he pretty well always beat me when we played league, but now we don't have all the other league BS to deal with. Just grip it and rip it. The bar is still stocked, and you don't have to deal with others getting in your damn way.

There were a couple of cuties in other lanes, and some fat mother fuckers to boot. After all, it is a bowling alley.

There's always next week.


Richard Noggin said...

I was the fat Motherfucker...


I was more thinking of the dude in the lane with Ms. Titties that couldn't shut his mout.

Who knew that you could look cool by chewing a straw and talking loudly about shit of which you have no clue.

Fred said...

I don't know. Have someone take a picture of you with a straw in your mouth, and we'll see.