Oct 4, 2007

This'll make yer liver quiver

here are some numbers that may interest you fellas.

I drink Bud Light, and it currently costs 66.6 cents a 12 oz can. At five beers a day (which is generally laughable)-

One day is 60 oz (less than 2 qts) of beer and $3.33
One week is 420 oz(3.28 gal), and $23.31
One month (31d) is 1860 oz (14.53 gal) and $103.23
One year (365d) is 21,900 oz (171.09 gal) and $1,215.45

At this average, since Yankee John and I have been hanging out (about 9 years) I will have drank-
197,100 oz (1,539.84 gal) of beer at $10, 939.05

Now, before any Baptist not currently fishing or in a liquor store starts to lecture me about the money I spend on my hoppy friends, that amount equals up to 41 cents an hour that I am on the clock. Straight up, 40 hours a week.

Beer costs 5.55 cents an ounce. Where else can you find happiness that cheap?


Yankee John said...

Amen. Round it.

Ted said...

Ahh, for the good old days, when "just one" meant a case...

Yankee John said...

i've reread this post and all i can say is: I'm thirsty!