May 30, 2008

Do you have your fishing license?

After work today I'm going down to the U-boat at Boston to do a little fishing and a little provisioning so that we can do some over-nights and not go to bed with rumbly tummies.

I know what you're thinking, and no, you don't always catch enough fish to eat, and even if you did, we don't currently have a way to cook them, so unless you want to do a little Tom Hanks Castaway action, bring a fork and enjoy the raviolis.

I need to run some errands while at lunch today, so I'll be able to get some pictures of the place with Rastis P. Leroy Jr. out front holding the solar lamp.

I might even take the boat out.

In other news:

These hot days and cool nights are killing my pepper plants. Good thing there're more in the dining room waiting to go in.

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