Mar 18, 2008

And we'll have fun, fun, fun, till allstate takes the 'rolla away.

Woo hoo!
I'm getting $4,600 for my rockin' rolla, so I'll be able to move up a couple of years for the purchase of my next vehicle.

I'll add another K to the total and try to get something made in this decade.
Since I'm not looking to make car payments, I don't believe I'm going to be going to pay too high a price for a car.

In other news-
If you haven't been watching "John Adams" on HBO, it's your loss. The screenwriting is superb. I'm noticing things being written in the same way that the Grenada TV folks did Sherlock Holmes, writing around descriptions, and including things in conversation that were written, but were very important.

Spoiler alert- His son gets elected president.


Yankee John said...

I too have been enthralled by "Mrs. Adams somewhat interesting husband."

Laura Linney can smuggle my paintings anytime.

Seriously, F'n great job Mr. Hanks.


Obsequious Eruditions.

My, what a tongue.

I could have done without the pox innoculation scene.