Mar 12, 2008

Play me a dirge, matey!

This past Monday I was driving in Old Louisville when some yutz in a Ford Explorer decided to take a left turn from the right hand lane. I didn't have time to say "shit," much less do it.
Not too much damage was done, but it might be enough to total it purely based on market value of the car, and not based on the fact that the thing is mechanically terrific and gets 28mpg.

I did, however, manage to hit the street sign, so if you're ever at the corner of Brook and Ormsby, look for my trophy on the north-west corner.

This just in:
While I was typing this, the phone rang and Allstate wants to total my car.
"Andy? This is Ditzy Mitzy at All State, and I have some bad news."
"If you tell me you're totaling my car, I'm going to come to your house. That car gets 28 miles to the gallon."
"I'm sorry, but the estimate was over $3,000, and it's state law that when it's over 75% of the car's value..."
"State Law? don't you mean All State's law? What are my options?"

Basically, they're going to look it over, decide what they want to pay me, and we go from there. I can't believe this- I'm getting fucked by an insurance company that's not even mine.

On the bright side, the guy that hit me was pulled over about two hours earlier for speeding. Both of his events that day happened in his girlfriend's Explorer. Now, there's a relationship tester!


Ted said...

Arr! I spy me an Insurance Galleon on the horizon! Man the attorneys and brace for lawsuit! Thar's plunder to be had...

Yankee John said...

why not offer mitzy to come over for some schnitzengrubens and a reinactment of the molotov-von ribbentrop pact?

Ted said...

Great. Now I keep hearing Madeline Khan yelling "it's twue, it's twue!" in my head.

Thanks, John.


Baby, you're suckin' my arm...

Ted said...

*guffaw* That is so wrong...Good thing I finished my coffee before I got to this blog...