Apr 8, 2008

It's the Lord, Noah

I will be building up the burm this evening, as we are to get muchos rainos this next four days. Who knows, maybe I'll start a paper boat regatta in the basement.

Is there prayer for sump-pumps?

The good news is that I'm looking forward to people drowning in the Ohio river this Saturday. Well, not looking forward to, but merely expecting.
Thunder over Louisville is this saturday, and that means a huge crowd on the waterfront to watch fireworks. Here's the catch- the city is not going to put up any sort of fence or barricade to keep people from the swollen river. The city expects people to use their best caution and exercise restraint.
Wa-wa-what? We wouldn't need traffic lights and stop signs if people were capable of that.

In other news:

and remember, no one ever wins out of the auxilliary gate. Isn't that right, John?

Don't worry, I've seen that finger before.

1 comment:


I forgot this one:
