Apr 23, 2008

smoke 'em if you got 'em

The bees are in, and will be checked in a couple of days.

Hopefully this time next year we'll be swimming in honey.

After getting them ready by smoking them and wetting them, Luke's fi'n to dump 'em in.

Brush 'em into the hive, put the lid on and wait a few days to see if the queen has been released from her own little box.

The grass in the opening is to keep others out and more of the bees inside building out comb instead of leaving to forage.

Neither one of us was stung, even though a LOT of the bees toward the middle didn't get enough water on them. It turns out that they really don't like being jostled around like you have to do to get the wet ball out of the box. There were several dozen buzzing like they were coming in on a bombing run, so he put the lid on the box, and then we went inside and had a beer.
An hour later they were all calm and going into the hive.

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