Jul 14, 2008

Because you're psychotic, and I hate you as a human.

I was assured today that anything I put on here will not be viewed or talked about at work. So, I'm back. If you don't want to be written about, then don't do stupid shit. Actually, go ahead and do stupid shit, because at least you will have had enough gumption to do what you were planning, no matter how dumb (we exclude anything King George and Pricky Dick do or plan, especially war). Just don't say stupid shit. That means your brain doesn't even have enough gumption to make your mouth do what it's supposed to.

No longer will I suffer lazy-brained morons that are so selfish that they see other people's reluctance to just give them stuff as a character flaw. I give willingly, but fuck those who wish to put their stipulations on my generosity.
Maybe that's why my relationships have always ended badly.
Greedy whores anyhow.
And if you were told about this blog from someone else and something I've written offends or pisses you off, then you can always back-button the fuck out of here, or write your own about how poorly I spell, or that fact that you believe I am a chauvinist, because if I call you a needy bitch, it ain't because you've always been gracious and kind to me.
I've got an idea- leave me some hate mail. That always calms me down.

1 comment:

Yankee John said...


If'n you have a problem w/ this here blog, PLEASE send hate mail. Just make sure you bring you A game. 'Cause I hate talking smack about a moron too stupid to know it.