Aug 24, 2008

Anybody want a cat?

Several weeks ago, I noticed that some of my tomato plants were dying for seemingly no reason. After consultation with the Yooj, I thought it was the soil. Well, it is the soil, but not any of my doing.

It turns out that a cat has decided to use one corner of my garden as a litter box. I found a lot of scratch marks at the base of one of the tomato plants, and evidence that it was a cat, but the biggest piece of evidence was when I came outside and the cat jumped out of the garden and out the back over the fence.

Needless to say, I can't let this stand. One suggestion someone had was to put up fliers to warn the neighbors that they need to keep their cat indoors. This individual also told me to call animal control. I didn't know that they would come out at 10:30PM to get a cat that's not harming humans. Hang on...they don't.

It's time for this cat to take the proverbial walk in the woods. I almost apologize for those reading this who put matters into more humane hands, but an animal in my yard is my animal.

As my brother Darrell says: "I won't kill some one's pet, but I'll kill a stray."

Besides; when I come home late from work like I have this last month, I'm not the most patient person.


Ted said...

I'd pay good money to watch you chase an incontinent cat around your back yard.


If I were to do that, there would need to be a doctor in the house, so maybe this could work...

Ted said...

Speaking of Summer Glau, I just started watching the Terminator TV series. Episode 3 features Glau in bra and panties, then stuff blows up. 'Nuff said.