Sep 15, 2008

Pig nuts keep falling on my head

Cousin Luke and I went down to the U-boat on Saturday to see if we could each drink an eighteen pack and still make it up to the cabin after being in the boat all day. It turns out that we can. I caught the biggest and the smallest, while he caught the most, be he cheated. It seemed that every time I started to get a nibble, that he was moving the boat so he could get to a better hole. He's a mother fucker and I'm not going fishing with him again. At least not for two weeks when my schedule clears up.

The funny part was on Sunday when we brought the boat up the hill. I took the paddles and poles. Luke bent down to grab something, and WHACK! A big ole' hickory nut hit him squah in the back of his noodle with a sound reminiscent of Sister Francis's yardstick across my desk.(Now you know why I wake up violently) That thing must've fallen twenty feet. I started to laugh, and he looked up at me with this horrible scowl. While still laughing, I realized why he looked pissed.
Imagine that you just got walloped with something, and you look up to see me laughing and holding a boat paddle, and you know I'm an asshole.
Twernt me that hit him, but that's still funny.


Yankee John said...

do you know the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?

Ted said...

Andy, nuts, and violence. Never a good combination.