Sep 2, 2008

Time off for good behavior

I'm back from three full days off from work, and I think I'm more tired now than before. Trying to catch up on all the house work I missed over a month probably wasn't a good idea.

Cutting th grass will have to wait.

Drinking my weight in beer probably wasn't a smart thing either.

Here's a picture of the Church in 1901 on Derby Day.

For all of those wanting a refressher course, it was about a mile outside of city limits at the time.

this Picture is even old. The new sides dwarf the old spires.


Ted said...

Just looked at my schedule...Due to the vagaries of disaster activation, vacation, and scheduling I only have three more shifts this month. It's a nice feeling.

Don't work too hard.


You don't have to worry about that. I did have to come in this last Saturday for a couple of hours (I don't like to be waked by a professor calling me at 8:30 on a Saturday morning), but for the most part we're slowing back down.

Ted said...

All that time off and no posting? You'd better be brewing some eeeevil sauerkraut.


Not a whole lot to tell.